Thursday, October 4, 2007

How to do something for yourself

People like to wait for things to happen for them. Not realizing that life doesn't just hand things out for you! No matter what you want in life, you are going to have to put yourself out there and work for it. Sound simple enough? What do you want and what have you done to get it?

Take a look at relationships for instance. So you are lonely and want to meet someone new and possibly engage in all the fun hand holding and ankle gazing that all you kids are into these days. So what have you done to have this happen? Do you go out to bars in hopes of meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right? I'm sure that anyone you have met at a bar is just top notch and someone you are ready to bring home to mom and dad. So you keep doing this over and over again expecting a different result. This is the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. To all of you people who are living this, go out and find new activities. Start going to the gym. Maybe find a book club (yes, I am serious). Maybe join a co-ed team sport. It really doesn't matter what it is but you need to get yourself out there to meet new people, different people and people who are actually sober enough to have a conversation with. Get out there and do something you will find interesting. You will meet more people than you imagined. Thats a much better approach than going to the bar and asking the nearest dame "Hey baby, how you doin'?".

Starting your own business is the same thing really. You go to your job you go home and you following your old routine. Well, have you read any books on starting your business? Have you made any plans other than "Step 1) Start company, Step 2 .... , Step 3 Make millions!"?

You need to look into what your interests are and try and integrate them into what you want to do. The best way to figure this out is research your interests. Find out as much as you can about the stuff you like. Is there something that you could improve upon in the toilet bowl cleaning business? Well if that is find a way to make it happen!

You just need to know how to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and start working on something for a change. Don't let youself get overwhelmed and have that eat away at you. You can do this, just maintain focus, set your goals and make it happen!

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