Sunday, October 7, 2007

Combating Laziness

Have you ever thought to yourself before ,"I am just such a lazy, worthless, slacker"? Do you have trouble just getting your motivated enough to jump off of the couch to actually do something you want to do? Or try something new? Or just make some minor changes in your life? Well read on because here are a few quick tips on how to defeat your inner-slacker with a beat down it will not soon forget!

First of all, laziness is a cancer. Nothing will ever change in your life as long as you do nothing about it. Me, I used to be a slacker by heart. I was a lazy, worthless, slacker. I know this. I realize that this is part of who I was and had to fight my "do nothing" attitude every step of the way on my path to greatness (Well not great, just pretty cool, ya know?). The thing that people need to figure out is that they need to sacrifice certain things in their lives in order to make a change.

What holds you back from getting things done? Do you sit on your computer for hours on end playing World of Warcraft, browse MySpace looking profiles until bed or surf to meet the special someone whom you haven't even tried to e-mail yet? Do you sit on your couch when you get home and watch T.V., order a pizza and fall asleep?

For me, I am a computer geek (I'm sure you guys figured that one already). I can literally waste an entire day at my computer without doing one productive thing on it but I can at least tell you what the newest gadgets that are coming out and tell you absolutely everything that is going on in the world. But you know, thats not going to get me anywhere in life.

You will probably not like my answer to this very important question on how to beat laziness. You simply need to get off ass and start doing things. Now the big question is how?

First of all, you need to identify the things that you want to change in your life. Is your house a mess? Ugly furniture, disorganized to the point where you can't even find your bed? Do you want to get a better job? What do you want to do? Identifying what you really want is essential to defeating your lazy/slacker dark side.

So lets start on your home:

Your house pretty much needs a new .....everything..... so how can you change this huge overwhelming problem to suit your needs and ability? You need to break these things down so you are able to deal with them all one piece at a time. Start will your bathroom for instance. You need a new sink, toilet, floor and furnishings.
  • How much is this going to cost?
    • itemize the cost of everything including your time
  • How much time is this going to take to prepare and complete
    • You need to figure out, first the things you need and then actually get them before you do a single thing. You can't start a project until you have all of your tools.
  • You need to figure out how much time this is going to take you
    • This is extremely important because you want to have a completion date on this project.
  • You need to make time everyday for you to work on your project! If you don't make time for you to do this, you will not do a single thing. You need to figure out when you can afford all the materials for your project. Start buying one thing at a time as much as you can afford. If you don't do this, you are not committing yourself to this project.
  • Now that you have purchased all of your materials you need to get out your handy calendar and task list and start figuring out how much time you can dedicate to this project every day. Don't have one? Get one! It is essential for you to remember what the hell you are doing and when its going to be done!
  • You need to make time for this and the only way to do that is to make sure that you spend a certain amount of time on this project everyday. DO NOT over commit yourself! Don't say "Okay, well I'm going to spend 4 hours on this project every night and negate my health, safety and sleep to complete this". Setup your MINIMUM requirements on what you need to do to complete this project on time. Say you figure that it will take you two months if you work on this project 30 minutes per day. Now you have only committed 1/2 an hour out of your day to work on this so you are not overwhelmed. If you go over that everyday, fine! Great! That means if something unforeseen hits you across the face, you can still be ahead of the game.
  • So much easier said than done I know. But you are trying to create habits and defeat your inner-slacker. Stay focused. Stay moving. When you get home from work you should make sure this is one of the first things you do! If you sit down and watch your favorite program "Ellen!" you will not want to get up again. You need to keep yourself in step with the process of making yourself more productive. You keep moving and you will more than likely be able to stay moving. You start slacking off and you will more than likely be slacking off by the time you need to sleep.
Good luck, this is a huge change. It is hard to defeat your body and minds desire for the simple pleasures of life, like Oprah and bonbons. But when you start pushing yourself to complete tasks and you pick them apart logically and one by one, you will be make steady strides to a better, happier and more fulfilling life!

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